Information About Quaid e Azam

Information About Quaid e Azam


Muhammad Ali Jinnah was one one the most remarkable personalities of the time. Even though, his name is still alive. He was respected everywhere. No one dared to point a finger towards him. 

Jinnah was a man of letters who used to wear Western suits and lived an elite-class life but he decided to liberate the Muslims from the brutality of Hindus. This is the reason he won millions of hearts of poor Muslims. 

Jinnah faced different difficulties or challenges during his struggle to form a separate homeland for Muslims, but he never gave up.

In this article, you will find brief information about Quaid e Azam.

Early Life of Quaid-e-Azam:

Information about Quaid e Azam is helpful in exploring his early life. Muhammad Ali Jinnah was born in Karachi and he was the first child of Jinnahbhai Poonja, a rising merchant, and his wife Mithibai. 

His parents praised and were strong followers of the Aga Khan, the forward-thinking leader of the Isma’ili Shia sect. Quaid-e-Azam got his early education in Sindh Madrasat al-Islam and the Christian Missionary Society High School in Karachi but he was not fond of education in his childhood. After moving to London, he developed an interest in education, politics, and law. 

He married in 1892, but his wife died early. So, he married for a second time in 1918 to Bombay elite Sir Dinshaw Petit’s daughter Rattambai. They had a daughter, but their marriage was not successful so they took separation after the birth of their daughter.

Education and Influences:

At the age of sixteen, Jinnah moved to London for the purpose of apprenticeship with Sir Frederick Leigh Croft, who was his father’s business associate. But soon he left this apprenticeship because he wanted to become a lawyer. He passed the bar-at-law after three years and moved to Bombay in 1896. Here Jinnah wanted to start his practice and he worked hard to establish his practice here. 

He was influenced a lot by three people: William E. Gladstone, Gopal Krishna Gokhale; and Dadabhai Narojiuy, who was an important Indian nationalist. Naroji was the first person from South Asia which encouraged Jinnah to start his career in politics.

The Personality of Quaid e Azam:

Jinnah was a hallmark of character in the world. His personality had different traits that are hard to find in someone else.

Let’s discuss his personality traits that explain how much determined his personality or character was!

  • Jinnah never compromised his integrity and dignity
  • Jinnah didn’t speak a lie in his life. Even during his political career, he used to speak the truth and dealt with each matter with complete honesty
  • Jinnah was a determined man in his actions. At a stage, he was threatened with being killed but he never backed up and continued his fight for the formation of Pakistan

Jinnah was a man of letter and he had a mighty character. Every person was impressed by his personality or dignity who met him in this life. 

Hobbies of Muhammad Ali Jinnah:

Muhammad Ali Jinnah was not a common man. You will find information about Quaid e Azam in Urdu that helps to tell you about his lifestyle. He was the great leader and first governor-general of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan which he won from extreme struggles. 

Although he had a strong political career, in his personal life, he had different hobbies outside of work. 

 Here are some of Quaid-e-Azam’s hobbies:

  • Reading was one of the most favorite hobbies of Jinnah. He used to read fiction and non-fiction books. History or political history was his favorite topic 
  • Jinnah had a deep love for nature. He grew many plants in his garden and used to spend his time in their company
  • Jinnah was a horseman and whenever he was free he enjoyed spending time in horse riding. Jinnah was a skilled horse rider and went on long rides through the countryside
  • Playing tennis was one of his favorite games. In his free time, he enjoyed playing tennis. Jinnah was a competitive player, and always won tennis matches with friends and colleagues
  • Jinnah was fond of traveling and he was a great world traveler who visited different countries and saw their new cultures. The United Kingdom was his most favorite country where he spent most of his time in this country during his political career
  • Jinnah had a deep love for music. In his spare time, he used to listen to classical pieces. Jinnah’s favorite instrument was piano

Legal Career and Early Political Career:

Jinnah practiced law for years which proved beneficial for him as his political skills sharpened due to his practice. He took the risk of establishing his practice in Bombay. Jinnah preferred to learn things or get the practice to himself. This strategy makes him a more popular commercial and criminal lawyer before Bombay’s High Court.  

The Demand for a Separate Muslim State:

Muslims of India wanted a separate homeland to safeguard their political, social, and economic rights. This is the reason Jinnah started his work to get a separate homeland for Muslims.  He was the leader of the All-India Muslim League and he knew that Muslims and Hindus are two different nations, their lifestyle, rituals, and everything are different. This difference always caused severe conflict between them. 

He knew that these two nations couldn’t live together. Due to these reasons, Jinnah raised his voice for Muslims in the Lahore Resolution in 1940 in which he demanded a separate country for Muslims where they could live according to their religion and rituals. 

Let’s see some important reasons why the demand for a separate Muslim state was right!

Growing Discontent:

When Jinnah raised his voice for Muslims and gave the idea of separation of these two nations then Jinnah and other Muslim leaders faced different issues and conflicts. Hindu leaders were totally against the idea of a separate homeland because they wanted to suppress the Muslims and didn’t want to see them living in their own separate country. 

In his different speeches, Jinnah tried his best or address these all issues but found no solution at all. 

At that time, there were a lot of new and strong disagreements happening, which made people start thinking about creating a separate country for Muslims.

The Two-Nation Theory:

After many years, Jinnah observed that Muslims and Hindus were two different nations and it was difficult for them to live in a single homeland. To protect their rights and religion, they need a separate homeland. This was the basic purpose of the two-nation theory in which Jinnah explained every difference between these two nations and demanded a separate homeland for Muslims. 

Jinnah’s Efforts for Negotiations and Independence:

Jinnah worked for days and nights to get a separate homeland for Muslims because after World War 2, Hindu-Muslim clashes reached their peak and these clashes began to increase around the region. The Muslim League took this time as an opportunity and started to define their narratives by negotiating with British authorities. 

The Cabinet Mission Plan:

However, Jinnah was against this Cabinet Mission Plan because in this plan a federal system was discussed only for India. But Jinnah took it as the opportunity to step forward with the creation of Pakistan. Finally, Jinnah decided to join the temporary government created according to this plan.

Direct Action Day:

The Hindu and Muslim conflicts got worse and turned into violent Direct Action Day. Due to this event muslim League protested against this event and asked to stop all official activities. They declared that these nations couldn’t live together because there were deep gaps between these two nations and these situations made him more determined to get a separate country for Muslims.

Quaid-e-Azam’s Legacy:

You can’t forget the Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s legacy. No one can deny his genuine dedication to Muslims in securing a separate homeland for them in South Asia. It is still an enduring inspiration for present youth or leaders. 

Jinnah made Pakistan one of the most recognized countries with his principles of religious tolerance, democracy, and equal rights. These all helped to strengthen the roots of Pakistan. His leadership brought the country from turbulent times.

Information about Quaid e Azam tells Jinnah’s legacy still serves the humanity of Pakistan as a reminder of diversity, unity, and the pursuit of an inclusive society. These qualities make him an iconic figure in Pakistan’s history. 

Last Words:

Jinnah’s personality traits, his devotion, and his hard work to liberate Muslims from the brutal cage of Hindus. The creation of Pakistan was impossible without Jinnah because his negotiation skills, Two-Nation Theory, and other traits were instrumental in achieving the dream of an independent Muslim state. 

Related Questionaries:

What were the qualities of Quaid I Azam as a charismatic leader that led Muslims of India to achieve independence?

You can explore his qualities from information about Quaid e Azam. There are several qualities that make him a unique personality of all time. 

  • Vision and determination
  • Political awareness 
  • Expressiveness
  • Integrity and honesty 
  • Personal sacrifice

What is the importance of Quaid-e-Azam day?

Jinnah Day is an honorable day for Muslims because he was a man who never cared about his life and struggled hard for the creation of Pakistan. 

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