Make WhatsApp Group Interesting

How to Make WhatsApp Group Interesting?

As you know WhatsApp is one of the social media platforms that people use globally. Estimates have revealed that on average, about 2.7 billion people use WhatsApp monthly. 

Making and running a WhatsApp group are two different things. Where making is easy, maintaining it as an interesting platform is tricky, but not that much. You may do any of the following things:

  • Give a creative touch 
  • Create a sense of professionalism 
  • Make the group loaded with the necessary laughter

Coming to the point of discussion now! Making a WhatsApp group interesting and full of professional communications is not a tricky task. What you need to know is simple WhatsApp group tricks and follow them. And in the article below, we are going to navigate through these tricks one by one. 

Let’s go!

Why Make Whatsapp Group Interesting?

Making a WhatsApp group interesting allows people to communicate and collaborate effectively and lively. People can interact instantly with one another, expand their reach, and connect to anyone without trouble.

Tricks to Make WhatsApp Group Interesting

If you want to know how to make a WhatsApp group interesting, follow these points:

1) Appealing Group Name & Icon

Remember that: 

“First impression is the last impression”

This is why, name your group in a way that defines its purpose. In addition to that, select a suitable icon that symbolizes that purpose in a first impression.

2) Make Sure the Group Guidelines are Clear

Your WhatsApp group must have basic rules and regulations. These are necessary to show respect to every person in the chat. With that, the practice helps to connect people for a long without any serious issues. Make sure your group is meant to maintain mutual respect among its members, which is very important for it to survive.

For instance, 

  • There must be a rule that prohibits every individual from insulting anyone within the group
  • In addition to that, there must be a rule that stops every member share anything that is not allowed in professional forums

Ensuring all the rules will certainly create an ecosystem in which every group member will show respect to others. 

3) Highlighting Unique Member’s Weekly

Highlight a unique member weekly by showcasing their accomplishments, interests, or fascinating facts about them. This is known as the Spotlight Member of the Week program. This fosters a sense of friendship and enables members to get to know one another better.

4) Themed Days or Topics

It would be best if you introduced a culture of specific day stories. This trick will work if you think about how to make a WhatsApp group interesting.

For example, announce Sundays dedicated to travel stories. Ask everyone to share their travel experiences to different destinations worldwide. Let them share what they enjoyed & what they disliked. In this way, people will consider your WhatsApp group as a source of amusement. In simple words, let them laugh & stay happy!

5) Share Life Hacks

This is another significant WhatsApp group trick. Yes, people love sharing and knowing life hacks. It lets them know each other more specifically. 

This is why like travel Sundays, set a weekday when everyone shares their life hacks in the group. You might better set some WhatsApp group rules funny for this purpose. Believe us, people learn a lot from it.

6) Try Sharing Memes

Introduce a culture of meme sharing in case you seek how to make a WhatsApp group interesting. This practice will certainly work and engage more individuals. Because of memes, people will use the group more than before.

7) Rotate Group Admin Responsibilities 

Assign trusted members to take turns handling group admin duties to maintain a dynamic environment. In addition to sharing the effort, this allows for diverse viewpoints and approaches to leadership, which keeps the organization from becoming stale.

8) Share Engaging Content

You can ask everyone to share interesting and informational content in the group. For example, it can be a current issue related to politics, football tournaments, the Olympics, etc.

One of the best WhatsApp group tricks is to share interesting multimedia, including:

  • Text and graphics
  • Slideshow or presentation, diagrams, infographics
  • Audio 
  • Videos
  • Lecture Capture
  • Sharing Animation, etc

Not only should you keep on sharing this kind of data, but you can, as the group members, contribute to it. This will make the group attractive, informational, and a professional forum.

9) Regular Updates

Update the group status often to maintain enthusiasm. Whether it’s a clever saying, an interesting statistic, or a daily task, this little feature can give your group a little daily excitement. With that, do not ignore the importance of daily themes as an example:

Daily Themes

Daily themes is one of the best WhatsApp group tricks ever. This keeps the members in fun and engaged with the group.

A few suggestions to make your group interesting include:

  • Motivation Mondays: You can ask everyone to share motivational content like pictures and videos.
  • Trivia Tuesdays: Let the group members guess the answer to your questions. It creates fun in the group.
  • Wisdom Wednesdays: Share some informative articles to keep everyone aware of the facts and figures.
  • Throwback Thursdays: Members can share some of their old memories.
  • Fun Fridays: Share jokes that make everyone laugh. But be positive and do not forget to follow WhatsApp group rules.

10) Rotate Group Admin Responsibilities

Never be a WhatsApp group admin yourself for always. Embrace a change. Keep things and responsibilities in a rotated manner. Assign adminship to trusted members of the group. This will not make the group interesting but will analyze new rules to handle administration.

Frequently Asked Question

Why Do We Need Group Guidelines?

Guidelines are the WhatsApp group rules that help members show respect to all others in the group. It creates a sense of maturity, thereby keeping the group professional and interesting.

How Do I Handle Spam In My WhatsApp Group?

As an administrator, you have the authority to impose explicit guidelines prohibiting spamming and to mute or ban users who do so.

Can I Change the Group Icon for Everyone?

You can alter the group icon as an admin, and all members will see the alteration.

Last Words

Whatsapp groups are a great and easy way to interact with family, friends, and others. But it does not mean that every other group is made to make buzz and fun.

If you want to know how to make a WhatsApp group enjoyable, then you have to think strategically. For instance, consider the WhatsApp mentioned above group ticks, and do not forget to thank us!

Great Day!


From the source Wikipedia: WhatsApp, History, Features

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